Curacel Product Updates
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Curacel Product Updates

September Update

  1. API Updates
    We have enhanced the API to support the following policy types: Investment, Micro Health Insurance, and Personal Accident Insurance.

  2. Unified Dashboard
    We have unified the Production and Sandbox environments on the Grow Dashboard and allow users to switch between environments via a simple toggle on the UI.
  3. Session Expiry
    We again implemented a session expiry procedure on the Grow Dashboard, enhancing security and user session management. Users now get logged out from the Grow Dashboard after 15 minutes of inactivity.
  4. API for Parent-Child Relationships
    We have introduced an API endpoint to configure parent-child relationships between partners, facilitating collaboration and hierarchy management.This implementation also takes care of Order Processing for the Parent-Child Partner Hierarchy as well as Claim filing. Parent partners are now able to initiate claim filings within child partner hierarchies, enhancing claim management. Also, we have enhanced the orders and claim listing and retrieval endpoint to support parent-child partner hierarchies more effectively.
Product Improvements
  1. Flutterwave Payments Bug on the Travel Product
    We’ve addressed a payments bug related to Flutterwave integration on the Travel Portal, ensuring reliable and secure payment processing.

  2. Travel Portal Sign-In Issue
    Resolved a server error that was occurring during the sign-in process on the Travel Portal, ensuring a seamless user experience
Bug Fixes
  1. We have resolved issues related to server errors occurring during the product purchase process, ensuring a smoother customer experience.
  2. We have fixed a server error that occurred when creating new insurers, ensuring that the process now functions as expected.
  3. We also corrected an issue where location options were not displaying on the widget, allowing users to access location-related features seamlessly.
  4. We have addressed a bug where premium values were incorrectly displayed for Investment+Life orders.

June Update

  1. The following changes have been made to Nova:
  • Added insight for total Gross Written Premium under each partner’s profile on Nova
  • Added insight for Curacel revenue under each partner's profile on Nova.
  • Added insight for commission under partner’s profile on Nova.
  1. Additionally, we have made some user interface updates for the purchase of Health Insurance, Job Loss, and Gadget insurance.                                                                       
  2. These changes make it possible for customers to provide product-specific information during the purchase of different insurance product types on the Dashboard as well as the API. Please refer to the API documentation for the specific fields/requirements for each product purchase.
  3. Automatic Re-debits for Orders with Recurring Payments
    We have implemented automatic debits for insurance products with a recurring model. With this, a customer’s card/wallet can be debited according to the payment frequency specified during the policy purchase. This has been activated for Life and Investment+Life policies for now.
  4. Webhook for Policy AvailabilityWebhooks are now available to notify customers' backends when policy documents are ready. With this update, customers can trigger notifications to their users to download policy documents asynchronously.

Bug Fixes

The ability to download filled  and signed SLA Template has been resolved now

The issue of the Product Details page not loading on Grow Dashboard has been fixed

The SLA Template has been updated to reflect our actual broker name

May Update

New Features 1

This past sprint was focused on implementing instalment payments for Investment + Life and Life Insurance with some UI changes for Comprehensive and Third-Party Motor Insurance.

 We have activated two new insurance types namely Life Insurance and Investment+Life Insurance with their associated purchase flows and billing models.

  • Investment +Life Insurance:
    With this insurance type, customers make periodic payments, and at the end of a pre-defined time, they get back their total investment with some interest.
    The product also has a Life Insurance component such that when the policyholder does not survive the plan, the investment, interest, and an extra amount are paid to a beneficiary.
    The following requirements are necessary for this product type:
  • Life Insurance:
    For Life Insurance policies, customers make frequent contributions based on a preferred schedule (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.) and in the event of demise, the sum assured is paid to a beneficiary.

Both of these product types involve recurring payments and so, we have implemented the appropriate premium logic and activated recurring payments for them.
However, only Partners with the card payment option are eligible to distribute these products at the moment. This is to enable us to enforce a regular collections procedure so that policies will not be terminated. We will extend these capabilities to the other payment options in the near future.

Also, to ensure a smooth payment process, we have implemented an email notification service that keeps users reminded and up-to-date with their recurring bills.

In summary, we achieved the following:

  • Set up new product types - Investment + Life Insurance and Life Insurance
  • Configured products for instalment payments
  • Implemented order creation for Investment +Life and Life insurance
  • Implemented first instalment payment debits
  • Implemented automatic re-debits for orders with recurring payments
  • Link subsequent instalment payments debit to the earlier order created

Kindly note that the respective fields are enforced at the API level and without them, corresponding orders will not be processed. Please refer to the API documentation for further details

New Features 2

The last sprint was focused on building an alternative payment solution that works for our segment of customers who are not aligned with the wallet-based payments option we currently have. 

We have introduced two more payment options, namely Card and Payment Link

  • Payment via Cards:
    We now allow our Partners to accept payments with any payment service of their choice. This means Partners are no longer limited to the Curacel Wallet option but can use their own payment method to process orders.
    However, the Partner needs to provide a Debit Card to which the equivalent order amount can be charged by Curacel so that policies can be processed promptly.
    This is a more convenient payment option for our Partners in other jurisdictions where it is difficult for Curacel to accept local payments.
  • Payment via Payment Links:
    For Partners who might not be very comfortable providing their card details, the Payment Link option works.
    At the point of order, a dynamic link is generated from Curacel’s backend with which the Partner can accept payments. This same link can also be shared with the end user for a more convenient payment flow.
    We also made available Webhooks to notify partners when payments happen asynchronously.

    These updates are available on both the Grow Dashboard and the API. Partners can log in to the Dashboard, navigate to Payments, and choose their preferred payment option: Wallet, Card, or Payment Link.
  1. Policy Purchase Optimization
    We made some key improvements to the Grow API and updated the purchase requirements for the following insurance types:
  • Job Loss
  • Gadget Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Third-Party Motor Insurance
  • Comprehensive Motor Insurance

Kindly note that the required fields are enforced at the API level and without them, corresponding orders will not be processed. Please refer to the API documentation for further details

  1. UI Optimization
    We made some key improvements to the Grow Dashboard and API to only request product-specific information for policy purchases.
    For now, Partners are only required to provide vehicle-specific information (in addition to KYC information) for Third-Party Motor Insurance and Comprehensive Motor Insurance purchases.
  2. We have also updated the API to allow policy purchases for businesses unlike the earlier version which only allowed policy purchases for individuals

April Update

New Features

Bulk Order Upload for CreditLife

We have implemented a bulk order upload feature on the Grow Dashboard that enables high-volume transacting users to quickly and easily create orders by uploading a CSV, XLS, and XLSX file of order details, starting with CreditLife products for now. 

Users are able to download an order template, fill it with their own order and customer information and simply upload it via the Grow Dashboard. 

The respective customers and their corresponding orders are created and the Partner's 

wallet is debited accordingly. 

March Update


We made major improvements to the KYC/SLA workflows on the Grow Dashboard to eliminate duplicates in KYC requirements, optimize KYC information to include more jurisdiction-specific requirements, and also allow our partners to sign SLAs digitally. 

We achieved the following: 

  1. Redesign the KYC/SLA interface with a more optimized information architecture
  2. Users can now add country-specific information on the Personal and Business KYC stages. This means ID cards, local addresses, and company incorporation requirements are now localized.
  3. We have introduced a new interface for users to provide their support escalation information and this updated the SLA template in real-time
  4. Users and our internal account officers do not have to fill out the SLA template anymore. The SLA template is automatically updated with information collected on the business and personal KYC stages and all a user needs to do is to sign.
  5. Users can sign the SLA digitally by uploading their signature. Provision has been made for up to 2 signatories.
  6. Users can now download or print the signed SLA document.
Key Updates
  1. Webhook for Policy Availability
    Webhooks are now available to notify customers' backend when policy documents are ready. With this update, customers can trigger notifications to their users to download policy documents asynchronously.

  2. Public URLs for File Attachments
    We now accept public URLs from integrating partners for file attachments. Partners can submit a URL to the backend instead of actual file uploads/attachments.
  1. New Product Types
    We have activated two new insurance types namely Life Insurance and Investment+Life Insurance with their associated purchase flows and billing models.
  • Investment +Life Insurance:
    With this insurance type, customers make periodic payments, and at the end of a pre-defined time, they get back their total investment with some interest.
    The product also has a Life Insurance component such that when the policyholder does not survive the plan, the investment, interest, and an extra amount are paid to a beneficiary.
    The following requirements are necessary for this product type:
  • Life Insurance:
    For Life Insurance policies, customers make frequent contributions based on a preferred schedule (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.) and in the event of demise, the sum assured is paid to a beneficiary.

Both of these product types involve recurring payments and, we have implemented the appropriate premium logic and activated recurring payments for them.
However, only Partners with the card payment option are eligible to distribute these products at the moment. This is to enable us to enforce a regular collections procedure so that policies will not be terminated. We will extend these capabilities to the other payment options in the near future.

  1. Additional Payment Options
    We have introduced two more payment options, namely Card and Payment Link
  • Payment via Cards:
    We now allow our Partners to accept payments with any payment service of their choice. This means Partners are no longer limited to the Curacel Wallet option but can use their own payment method to process orders.
    However, the Partner needs to provide a Debit Card to which the equivalent order amount can be charged by Curacel so that policies can be processed promptly.
    This is a more convenient payment option for our Partners in other jurisdictions where it is difficult for Curacel to accept local payments.
  • Payment via Payment Links:
    For Partners who might not be very comfortable providing their card details, the Payment Link option works.
    At the point of order, a dynamic link is generated from Curacel’s backend with which the Partner can accept payments. This same link can also be shared with the end user for a more convenient payment flow.
    We also made available Webhooks to notify partners when payments happen asynchronously.

These updates are available on both the Grow Dashboard and the API. Partners can log in to the Dashboard, navigate to Payments, and choose their preferred payment option: Wallet, Card, or Payment Link.

  1. Bulk Order Upload for Credit Life
    We have implemented a bulk order upload feature on the Grow Dashboard that enables high-volume transacting users to quickly and easily create orders by uploading a CSV, XLS, and XLSX file of order details, starting with CreditLife products for now. 

Users are able to download an order template, fill it with their own order and customer information and simply upload it via the Grow Dashboard. 

The respective customers and their corresponding orders are created and the Partner's wallet is debited accordingly. 

  1. We made major improvements to the KYC/SLA workflows on the Grow Dashboard to eliminate duplicates in KYC requirements, optimize KYC information to include more jurisdiction-specific requirements, and also allow our partners to sign SLAs digitally. The following are now available:
  • Redesign the KYC/SLA interface with a more optimized information architecture
  • Users can now add country-specific information on the Personal and Business KYC stages. This means ID cards, local addresses, and company incorporation requirements are now localized.
  • We have introduced a new interface for users to provide their support escalation information and this updated the SLA template in real-time
  • Users and our internal account officers do not have to fill out the SLA template anymore. The SLA template is automatically updated with information collected on the business and personal KYC stages and all a user needs to do is to sign.
  • Users can sign the SLA digitally by uploading their signature. Provision has been made for up to 2 signatories.
  • Users can now download or print the signed SLA document

  • 7. Policy Purchase Optimizations

    We made some key improvements to the Grow API and updated the purchase requirements for the following insurance types:
  • Job Loss
  • Gadget Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Third-Party Motor Insurance
  • Comprehensive Motor Insurance

Kindly note that the required fields are enforced at the API level and without them, corresponding orders will not be processed. Please refer to the API documentation for further details

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