Expand Your Insurance Business: 10x Faster With Curacel APIs
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Expand Your Insurance Business: 10x Faster With Curacel APIs

“Dramatic events wire and rewire our lives. They help shape who we are and what we become.” That’s a line from the 2022 Trends Report by Facebook.

The above statement can also be said about insurance. With the low adoption and inclusion, especially in emerging markets, lots of lives are being reshaped and this will affect their relationships to insurance.

Whatever school of thought you belong to: Is insurance bought or sold?

If someone is paying, then buying and selling is taking place.

However, the friction associated with getting insurance has been one of the factors excluding many people from getting insured. For this reason, designing an effective distribution system for insurance is much needed.

This is where embedded insurance comes in. Embedded Insurance is getting more affordable, relevant, customized and personalized insurance to people when and where they need it most.

“For insurers, it creates the potential for lower-cost distribution to more individuals and firms, accesses to more data to enhance product innovation and reduced underwriting risks.” — rainmaking.io

Introducing Curacel Grow.

Curacel Grow enables tech-enabled and digital companies to distribute insurance products. The platform enables insurers to build and deliver products that meet the unique needs of their customers.

The Curacel APIs and tools enable companies to distribute insurance to process claims 10x faster. We are driving a more modern way to distribute insurance products through platforms like e-commerce and logistics.

Why Curacel Grow can 10X your business:

Curacel is a dynamic platform that enables insurers to manage their distribution, claims and underwriting operations.

+ Distribute Insurance Products:

Our APIs enable companies to distribute insurance products 10x faster. All you need is a valid API key and access to our developer portal.

+ Process Claims 10x Faster:

Our APIs also allow 3rd parties to integrate with an insurer’s systems for better collaboration on the claim settlement process.

+ Build and Deliver Customized Insurance Products:

Our platform enables insurers to build and deliver products that meet the unique needs of their customers. The solution also allows for customization at a granular level by providing flexibility in defining product attributes such as coverage limits, deductibles and exclusions.

Who can use Curacel Grow:

Curacel Grow can be used by any tech-enabled business that would like to offer insurance to their customers and process claims in a faster, cheaper, convenient and transparent manner. Curacel is not restricted to health insurance companies alone but can also be used by companies in other sectors such as travel and aviation, the hospitality industry and corporate organizations — think ‘employee-benefit’.

With Curacel’s API platform, you can deliver cost savings to your customers to help them choose you over the competition.

Integrate with Curacel Grow is fast and easy.

Simply integrate our APIs into your platform, and you’ll be able to provide your users with the option to purchase insurance on your website or app. Because our APIs are so simple to use, creating an insurance product is as easy as building out any other feature on your website or app — with the added benefit of being able to offer your users a valuable service without having to invest more time or money in developing it in-house.

The best part? You’ll only pay for what you use, so there’s no up-front cost for using our APIs.

If you want to speed up your claims handling, let Curacel Grow APIs do the work for you. All you need to do is get in touch with our partnerships managers and we’ll customize a solution for your company.

About Curacel.

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