Meet A Curalyte: Muyiwa Ogunleye, Head of Medical Operations At Curacel
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Meet A Curalyte: Muyiwa Ogunleye, Head of Medical Operations At Curacel

At Curacel, we’re on a mission to use technology to drive up insurance inclusion in emerging markets. To shed more light on that, only 3-5% of Africans have health insurance cover. We have taken it upon ourselves to build solutions for enterprises and consumers to make a massive change in the insurance sector and drive up adoption.

Next up on the “Meet-A-Curalyte” series, we have with us Muyiwa Ogunleye, Head of Medical Operations at Curacel. Muyiwa works in the team responsible for developing the engine that makes Curacel’s claims automation & fraud detection the best in Africa and the emerging markets.

Let’s meet Muyiwa!

Welcome Muyiwa - How are you today?

I am very fine, thank you!

As the Head of Medical Operations at Curacel, what are some of your responsibilities?

My main responsibilities at Curacel is to ensure that we have a standard, world-class, data-driven Clinical Vetting Engine that stands Curacel out as the best health claims automation and fraud detection platform in Africa. 

Additionally, I work with other internal teams like the Business Development team, the Engineering team and the Success team to onboard new clients and clarify any medical queries with our existing client. 

From time to time, I also lead a team of other medical personnel to handle projects for Health Insurance companies.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

Well, I’d not say anything is a big challenge, it is all part of the job. The responsibility of building the database for our clinical vetting engine is huge, but we are facing it head-on. 

Additionally, my team is handling a project at the moment for one of Africa’s top Health Insurance companies. Meeting the deadline for the project and managing the team has been challenging.

How do you scale through this challenge?

Through good planning, mostly. I make it a point of duty to review all data populated by the team daily even when it costs me extra work hours. Doing this helps the team to meet the daily quota and help us achieve our objectives.

How do you ensure that the clinical rules you mentioned earlier continue to meet international standards?

This is quite straightforward. There are Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) that we follow as well as resources from recognized organizations like the World Health Organization.

What would you say is your highlight of working at Curacel

Whoa! Interesting question. 

Working with Curacel gives me an avenue to grow as a person and in my role. Additionally, our weekly virtual social meetings, biweekly physical meetings and monthly book reviews are exciting events that I always look forward to.

What other fun roles do you perform at Curacel?

Hehehehe (laughs)! I am laughing because I’m not the social type, but I try to get involved whenever there is a social event. One social event I remember fondly was our last quarterly retreat where we went paintballing. I had to defend my team while others attacked the opponents from the centre and the sides. It was a really exciting activity and a memorable one at that.

Which of the Curacel team culture do you relate with the most?

Errrmmm, we have 9 of those. I think the one that resonates with me best is Ownership and Proactivity.

How’s your work-from-home experience?

Hahaha (laughs)! Working from home has been great. It is mostly distraction-free and I can allocate and meet up with the time I set to complete my tasks. This ultimately leads to better work outputs and improves my overall performance. 

Conversely, I think it was challenging at first because it felt like a sedentary lifestyle but the company has injected more life into it with daily team meetings, socials and other fun events.

What is your favourite social media platform and why?

Hmmm! I’d go with LinkedIn. I believe it provides a wide range of opportunities to meet people of like minds, grow one’s professional network, build one’s brand, keep track of new trends and events, etc

Thank you for speaking with us, Muyiwa.

Thank you for having me today. I enjoyed our chat.

We hope you learnt a thing or two about Muyiwa, our Head of Medical Operations. He is a part of the amazing Curalytes who ensure that Curacel remains the #1 Claims and Fraud Detection Platform in Africa.

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